Some more pics of my little buddy

Since this is my Blog, I'm going to vent a little here. What's up with people who let thier dogs run free in public parks? In these parts most of the parks have leash laws. There are a few licensed dog runs and one very close to where I live. To me that makes it even worse as these pets families are just being lazy for not taking them there.
Today there was a professional dog walker, one of many who use the park I go to, who had 7 dogs that are supposedly in her care. She had 5 of them off thier leashes just running around. When I complained to her she just gave me a dirty look and said I was "too controlling". The way I see it is simple.
1. She was breaking the law.
2. Not all other dogs are friendly.
3. There is a very large wooded area adjoining the park and there are other possibly diseased animals out there.
4. I witnessed one of the dogs taking a dump and because the dog was loose she did'nt see it so the mess was just left there.
5. Over the last couple of years there have been multiple reports of sick people leaving poisened bait in the parks.
So am I being too controlling or do I love my pet enough that I care about keeping him safe and healthy? Personally, I think the latter. Well that's enough ranting for today...gotta watch that blood pressure ya know! TTYL. D.